Thursday, October 16, 2008

Maybe research isn't for me

When I discussed my contract for the new job, they said that my CV would need to go to promotions committee as I was being appointed at a given level that would normally require it. "It's just a formality" I was told.

Woops! That formality turned out to be something altogether different as I was NOT given the same level. So although they keep saying "oh, we'll pay you what we agreed" I am being demoted!

I attended an interview for a fellowship yesterday and their parting words were "you've done very well to be short-listed", which is like saying "thanks, but no thanks".

Today, our grant rounds were announced and none of the three grants I was on got funded.

So I feel relatively rejected and saw a tenured teaching position advertised at my old institution, which I would more than qualify for. Maybe the life of no money year to year is not for me after all. Or perhaps I'll feel different after some sleep?



ScientistMother said...

No!! Research is totally for you. I think you're more frustrated with not getting what you were promised. Can you talk to someone to figure out what happened?

Me said...

Thanks scientistmother. Yeah, I suspect you're right in that I was totally flabbergasted by that move! I got told that they wanted me to have more first author publications. I'm not sure that demoting me is suddenly going to make that happen though...

I spoke to a colleague today about the tenured teaching job and he cocked his head to one side and said "nahhhhh... you'd hate that. You love research". I guess it's true but at times when the rejections come in so quick and fast it's easy to think that security would be better. The grass is always greener I suppose.