Thursday, June 12, 2008


In keeping with the new things happening in my professional life, we have today a new palette for SMBlog. Thanks to hypoglycaemiagirl for pointing out how dark my previous template was!

Met SeriouslyAmazingManWhoChangedMyField today. He's in town for a big conference that is on this week and next and a mentor asked me if I'd like to attend, along with one of her postdocs. So there were us three female scientists and then four men and the SeriouslyAmazing... I have read this man's work for years and so it was quite surreal. I was in awe of the breadth of his knowledge of the current field. What was also striking was the confidence with which the males presented their work. It was as though no-one else internationally ever did anything much of note.

I felt at once quite small but also quite excited about the possibilities of my next academic step. Just need to publish (oh, and write a 45 minute talk tonight...). yawn.

1 comment:

hgg said...

Yes, this works better for my old eyes! Thanks a bunch.

Men are significantly better at "bullshitting" if you see what I mean. Not necessarily that what they say is bs, but they don't feel the need to excuse themselves for every little flaw in their research as many of us women do.

A fair dose of self-critisism is always good (quite a few men could learn from that as well), but not to the point of excusing ones existence.