Monday, April 21, 2008


I'm swamped and it's evident to everyone. I'm behind on deadlines, students aren't happy, colleagues aren't happy and most of all I'M NOT HAPPY!

The most frustrating part is that I can't just shout "BACK OFF FOR ONE MONTH PUR-LEASE! I'm trying to negotiate a new job and find one million dollars to support my lab". Not that this is an adequate excuse but it sure is tricky to manage all of that along with everything else that one usually has on the over-loaded academic plate.

So I'm grouchy and more tired than usual.

Sometimes I wonder whether it's worth oxy-torching the candle. Academic Spouse was eager to head off to work this morning, whereas I was dreading the sheer number of new problems that would walk through my door today. Maybe there's something in that. We'll see.

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