Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Excited. Yay. YES!

Well I'll be...

In a totally amazing series of events, things seem to be coming together. Today I met with the bean-counters again and they are enthusiastic, talking about contracts, starting dates and making generally positive noises.

I am now speaking publicly about the fact that I've been offered a job and it's like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. My students know, my staff know, my current head of department knows. People in the new place know.

THEN, I get an email from a really cool overseas researcher who I met recently at a conference in my town. Cool overseas researcher so enjoyed the town that sabbatical is now on the agenda. Did I know of any schemes and would I like to work on some projects together? YAY! AMAZING! YAY!

And I'm the person whose career is doomed.

I've cleared my diary for a few weeks and it's paper-writing time. I plan to succeed. I don't want to leave science and although I am not the best researcher in my field I can still make this work well. Very cool day.

Note to self: See how much of a happy mother you can be when you don't feel miserable about work? Remember that and the cheery look on your kids' faces today.


The bean-mom said...

Oh, yes. I think we are happier, better mothers when we are happy at work (whatever work that may be).

Congrats on the way things are coming together for you, and good luck!

And I know it may sound a little odd, since I don't comment here that much (although I do read), but I'm nominating you for a blog award. You can see my site for details...

ScientistMother said...

Came over here from the bean-mom. so happy that I found you!