Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The good, the bad, and the ugly

The Good:
I've been short-listed for a fellowship, which if successful would free up some of my budget in the new group for other activities

The Bad:
One of the key people to my group at the new centre has decided to give up research and go into industry.

The Ugly:
My head is pounding, which if I catastrophize means I've got a whopper of a tumor, but in all likelihood reflects my lack of sleep, poor posture and it-feels-like-a-head-cold-coming-on brain.

The net effect? Well, you know. It's wholly pleasing to me that I have reacted to the second by just getting on with business. This is all surmountable. A total pain in the a*!e but it will be OK.

The countdown is on. 4 weeks to go, with two of these on holidays. Hurrah to new jobs!

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