Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Why do tradesmen turn up so early? Is it really the case that they need to get to the pub by 3.30 or their livers begin to shrivel?

I don't think I know the answer and as an academic I tend to keep odd working hours. But why would you elect to arrive at 7am each day when you could sleep in? It's not like people want to be thrown out of their houses before they've had a chance to brush teeth, eat breakfast, get their pants on etc. This morning I actually had to ask out loud (as we ran to the car at 7.12am, having outstayed our welcome inside our own homes, evidenced only by the fact that the sawing had commenced) "who's had brekky?". I never fail to eat in the morning but I realised that I'd not had the chance.

School lunch for boy. Check.
Lunch for Dad. Check
Lunch for me. Check, albeit soggy and left-over from daughter yesterday.
Bag for daughter. Check
Coat for daugter. Check
Umbrella for upcoming school concert rendition of "singing in the rain". Check.

"Sorry Ma'am but you're all out of sanity pills. ha ha".

If there's one more hidden cost as part of this renovation then I think I'm likely to yell at someone.

If they have the audacity to arrive at 7.01am when my brain's only had 5 hours sleep and my hair still needs doing then I'll most certainly yell.

Tradies should start at 8.15, a respectable time by any fool's standards.

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